Personal Perspective

Code Sprint 2013 Round 2

Code Sprint 2013

코드스프린트 Round2 문제에서는 2013년 4월부터 6월까지 3개월간의 T map 경부고속도로 교통정보를 제공하고 개발자는 이를 분석하여 7월 16일 24시간의 교통정보를 예측합니다.

I have ranked 1st place in this competition.


Visualization of particular road traffic information gave me insights into the nature of the data.

The x-axis depicts dates from April 1st to June 30th and the y-axis shows the average traffic speed. Vertical lines represent Sundays (red) and Holidays (green). As time progresses, average traffic speed fluctuates in a particular fashion.


Different behaviors depending on the day was revealed. This fact was exploited by separating them when predictions were made. The loss function was mean absolute error hence use of median was optimal in this case.

I have written a two-part post-mortem of the competition on my blog. Refer to Code Sprint 2013 Round 2 and Code Sprint 2013 Round 2 Post-mortem (Korean).
